2008 Mobile Clinic On the way to the north - the back of the bus was loaded. After 12 hrs on the bus - cold cokes and dinner were waiting for us in Yendi. Adela, Quansah and Ted enjoying jollof rice and fried guinea. While in Yendi we visited the leprosarium. Presenting the residents at the leprosarium with food, soap and money. This man serves as the leader for the leprosarium. Getting ready to unload our bus at the motel in Bunkpurugu. Our group standing beside the gate of the motel. Our audience with the Chief of Bunkpurugu. Children delivering water for us. Doing laundry - your "socks" will never be the same again. One of the bugs the girls found in their room. Now that is a bug. A traditional Bunkpurugu kitchen. On the road again ... I wonder if this is what Willie had in mind? We held the clinic in this school in Nakpanduri. There were just a few people waiting for us when we arrived. We set up our nursing stations inside one of the classrooms. Only 25 patients were allowed to wait inside at a time. This lady was having a problem with one of her eyes. We had several men outside the door guiding traffic and doing crowd control. Taking a break to use the facilities. Patients waiting to received their meds. One of the babies that was brought to the clinic. A grandmother and granddaughter. Laura and Lauren helping the nurses at their stations. People finding shade under the tree in the middle of the day. A young handicapped girl who was allowed to move toward the front of the line. One of the elderly men that was treated at the clinic. One of the elderly women that was treated. A young boy walks some cattle by the clinic. Not sure he was happy about attending the clinic. Our students counting and packaging meds to supply our pharmacy. Eric had a table to himself ... 1, 2, 3 ... 10 to a bag. Patients getting their prescriptions filled. Patients waiting to get their meds. Some of the children waiting to be seen. Peter explaining to this man that there is nothing really wrong with him except the normal A mother walking home after having her baby treated. This family had triplets. Eric at the end of a day. Buying fuel for our motorcycles. Greeting the regent of Dagbon, Kampakuya-Na Abdoulaye Yakubu Andani, at the After a long drive from Yendi - we have now reached the game reserve, Mole National Park. After a week of mobile clinics in Bunkpurugu - our students enjoying the restaraunt at Mole. Taking pictures of warthogs outside of their room. Our group coming back from one of the guided excursions. Three elephants that the group came across on their guided walk. Pictures taken on the guided walk in Mole National Park. Pictures taken on the guided walk in Mole National Park. Pictures taken on the guided walk in Mole National Park. Some of the group bicycled to Larabanga to see the Sahelian mosque - said to be built in @1421. Another photo of an elephant they saw on the guided walk in Mole National Park. Our last sunset before we left Mole and the north. MOBILE CLINICS ...